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USGS Agency Representative

Gavin Hayes
Senior Science Advisor for Earthquake and Geologic Hazards
United States Geological Survey (USGS)
1711 Illinois St
Golden, CO 80401
(303) 273-8421
Gavin Hayes is the Senior Science Advisor for Earthquake and Geologic Hazards at USGS. In this position, he oversees the Earthquake Hazards, Geomagnetism, and Global Seismographic Network (GSN) Programs. Hayes joined the USGS in 2007, after receiving a doctoral degree in geosciences from Pennsylvania State University, and master’s and bachelor’s degrees from the University of Leeds in England. He was a post-doctoral scholar with the USGS National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) before being hired permanently in 2012, and was a Research Geophysicist with that group from 2012-2020.
As part of the NEIC, Hayes has helped to lead the USGS real-time response to domestic and global earthquakes, rapidly characterizing the source properties of earthquakes, and interpreting events within their regional tectonic context. Hayes has over 80 publications in the areas of seismology, tectonics, geodesy and natural hazards, and in the applications of these subjects to earthquake safety, hazard and risk mitigation.
Ph.D. Geosciences, Pennsylvania State University
B.S. and Masters, University of Leeds
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